Mathematics & Science: Summer Camps 2022

8 March 2022

Hammond School – Animation plus Game DesignJune 20-24, Come july 1st 19-23. 9 am-4 evening. Grades: Rising 2nd-6th. Within this course, campers will learn the basic principles of coding using Scuff interface. They will then utilize this and enhance their creative abilities to animate their video games and share it with the associated with their class. With our online and inquiry based training campers will learn critical considering, collaboration, creativity and computational skills. Tuition: $265. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School — Arcade Game Design & Coding Full-Day CampJuly 18-22. 9 am-4 pm. Increasing 2nd-6th graders. We are targeting the future by going in yesteryear. Join us for a quite fun program that helps outdoorsmen learn coding by developing retro style arcade video games that are then downloaded plus played on handheld controllers. Now campers can enjoy their own games rather than actively playing the games created by various other gamers. $270. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Captivated Engineering Full-Day CampJune 27-July 1 . 9 am-4 evening. Rising 1st-3rd graders. Not so long ago our favorite story book character types found themselves in sticky situations and we can help! Via STEAM and Engineering principals, we will build a house in order to save the three little pigs, style pulleys and levers to assist Rapunzel and much more! In this hands-on class, children will discover the way they save the world and create their own personal enchanted ending. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Hodge Podge Full-Day CampJune 13-17, July 18-22. 9 am-4 pm. Rising 1st-5th graders. Are you ready to earn your own junior scientist badge? Hodge Podge is designed to bring out the particular scientist in children. We are going to explore many topics which range from CO2 to density, skyrocket building and so much more. This camping will consist of many hands-on experiments that are not protected in our other camps. Arrive and explore with us even as we take you on a Hodge Podge science journey. $250. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Introduction to Rocket Architectural Full-Day CampJuly 18-22. nine am-4 pm. Rising 5th-9th graders. As the next frontier of space travel unravels, discover the exciting adventures associated with rockets. Participants will learn regarding rockets while playing the virtual simulation (computer game) at a space center on an imagined planet. We will design rockets and learn about different elements such as solid rocket boosters, rocket fuels, decouplers, various engines, reaction control program and so much more. We will also take those rockets and fly all of them for various missions, through going into orbit to soaring to the moon while studying things like attitude control for the simulator. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Minecraft- Objective to Mars Full-Day CampJune 6-10, June 27-July one 9 am-4 pm. Increasing 2nd-6th graders. Join all of us for our most popular Minecraft system where campers will work jointly to create a sustainable colony upon Mars. They will learn about the Reddish planet and Game Concept concepts and use their particular creative skills to survive in the world. We will also learn about structures and build our own working city on the planet Earth whilst learning to code in Minecraft. $270. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Minecraft : Time Travel and Durability Full-Day CampJuly 25-29. nine am-4 pm. Rising 2nd-6th graders. In this action loaded building adventure, campers uses the virtual world associated with Minecraft as they learn plus apply civil, environmental, plus sustainable engineering practices for their virtual building projects. Outdoorsmen will time travel to historic civilizations like Egypt, A holiday in greece, Rome, traverse through middle ages times and industrial age group. They will learn about sustainability within cities and discuss just how water, waste, transportation, plus energy/electricity worked in our previous cities as well as our present cities. $270. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – From this World Full-Day CampJune 13-17. 9 am-4 pm. Increasing 1st-3rd graders. 5, four, 3, 2, 1 boost off to a galaxy much, far away to learn about World and the amazing solar program. Discover all things galactic like comets, planets, shooting celebrities, rockets and more. Learn about trip, the adventures of space journey, and participate in a skyrocket launch! $415. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Robotics: Physics, Coding and Programs Full-Day CampJune 13-17. nine am-4 pm. Rising 1st-5th graders. Participants will learn the fundamentals of computer programming and use it to design robots to complete different challenges. They will design, construct, and program Lego(R) WeDo robots. Creations include basic rovers and mechanical gadgets. The program specifically designed for younger participants, bundles designing, constructing, problem-solving, computer programming, critical considering, collaboration and communication as one exciting program. $270. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School — Sciencemporium Full-Day CampJune 20-24, July 25-29. 9 am-4 pm. Rising 1st-5th graders. Mix magical concoctions plus explore reactions of all types. There will be potions that alter colors, eggs that switch silver right before our eye, regular water will shine, and so many more chemical plus physical reactions to explore! $250. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Smartphone App Style Studio Full-Day CampAug. 1-5. 9 am-4 pm. Increasing 5th-8th graders. In Application Building Studio, participants works like innovators in developing a phone application to resolve an engineering or enjoyment problem. As participants are usually designing and building applications, they will learn the basic computer-programming concepts of variables, consumer input, conditionals, loops, plus data collection. $265. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School : That’s Gross! Full-Day CampJuly 25-29. 9 am-4 evening. Rising 4th-6th graders. Make your hands dirty and keep your nose! This hands-on camp will combine body structure, physiology, and chemistry to assist better understand the way the body works. Make fake bloodstream, discover how sugar causes cavities, and find out why we burp. You’ll have your grown-ups stating YUCK! $145. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Wizard Kids Full-Day CampJune 20-24. 9 am-4 pm. Increasing 1st-3rd graders. Join all of us on a science discovery objective! We will explore the world of biochemistry, engineering, and earth technology through experiments and incurs. This program will enhance COME education philosophies with a huge punch of fun. Arrive join us for this fascinating journey into the world associated with science! $415. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Entire world Of Robotics Full-Day CampJune 27-July 1, Aug. 1-5. 9 am-4 pm. Technology and technology go hand-in-hand. This program will allow students to learn the basic and complex technologies that is used to design and construct robots. They will discover the globe of robotics and when inquired they will be able to describe right after between humans and their particular robotic counterparts. Do you think you might have what it takes to build and energy your own robot? Are you ready to turn into a junior engineer and a good electrician? Come explore the field of robotics and become a “robo-scientist” today! NOTE: All travelers will complete at least one robotic by the end of camp 7 days. $285. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Bug BonanzaJune 6-10. 9 am-noon. Increasing PK-5K. Are you ready to irritate out? Explore the world of insects as you sing songs, develop crafts, and complete math plus reading activities focused on the particular lives of these crawly animals. We’ll learn about ladybugs, bees, spiders, and many more as we have enjoyable getting buggy! $185. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School : Flip Into Reading, Technologies and MathJune 13-17. nine am-noon. Rising 5K-1st graders. Come join Mrs. January Jenkins and Mrs. Kathie Schumpert! We’ll FLIP via some good books to clean up on reading skills; TURN on the computer and have fun along with technology; and FLIP a well known fact or two as we exercise our math! Join all of us for important skill developing in reading, math, plus writing using games, technologies, books and many other hands-on routines. $175. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Hodge PodgeJune 13-17, July 18-22. nine am-noon, 1-4 pm. Increasing 1st-5th graders. Are you ready in order to earn your junior man of science badge? Hodge Podge is made to bring out the scientist within children. We will explore several topics ranging from CO2 in order to density, rocket building a lot. This camp will contain many hands-on experiments which are not covered in our additional camps. Come and discover with us as we take a person on a Hodge Podge technology journey. $175. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Man of science In TrainingJune 13-17. nine am-noon. Rising PK-5K. Have a dash of engineering plus a sprinkle of earth technology, toss it together with a few fun and games, and you have this particular STEAM-based class. Scientists may explore the different worlds associated with science through weekly collect creations such as pizza landscapes and rockets. Join all of us for this exciting journey to the world of science. $185. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Electricity, Magnetism plus CircuitsJune 20-24. 9am-noon. Increasing 5th-9th graders. This program is really a bridge between building Lego Robots and actual Automated programs. Circuits and electricity is surely an integral part of real automated programs. If you are serious about building actual robots, join us to obtain introduced to circuits, electrical power, and magnetism. We will find out about currents, voltages, magnetism, collection, parallel circuits, and much more. $175. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Mini Med SchoolJune 20-24. 9am-noon. Rising PK-5K. Is there a doctor in school? Sign up for us as we bring Small Med School to your college! Our little doctors uses stuffed animal patients to consider blood pressure readings, give “stitches”, put on a cast plus make their own first aid package, all while learning a lot about what doctors, dentists, EMTs and other medical professionals do on a regular basis. $185. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – SciencemporiumJune 20-24, July 25-29. 9am-noon, 1-4 pm. Rising 1st-5th graders. Mix magical concoctions plus explore reactions of all types. There will be potions that modify colors, eggs that convert silver right before our eye, regular water will shine, and so many more chemical plus physical reactions to explore! $175. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – World Of RoboticsJune 27-July 1, Aug. 1-5. 9am-noon, 1-4 pm. Age range 8-14. Science and technologies go hand-in-hand. This program enables students to explore the basic plus complex technology that is used to develop and build robots. They are going to discover the world of robotics and when asked they will be in a position to describe the differences between people and their robotic equivalent. Do you think you have what it takes to construct and power your own robotic? Are you ready to become a junior professional and an electrician? Arrive explore the world of robotics and turn into a “robo-scientist” today! $220. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Let’s Have Fun With LegosJuly 11-15, Aug. 1-5. nine am-noon. Rising PK-4th graders. Are you ready for the Ultimate Lego Challenge? If so, come sign up for Ms. Epting and Mrs. Schiano, two of Hammond’s Lower School teachers, for a 7 days of imagination, exploring, plus building with Legos. We are going to have counting and calculating, timed building, ramp constructing and racecars races, plus Lego math. Come style and build as no time before and explore your hypest ideas in a supportive atmosphere that will boost creativity, self-confidence, and collaboration skills. $165. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Flip Into Reading through, Technology & MathJuly 18-22. 9 am-noon. Rising 5K-1st graders. Come join Mrs. Jan Jenkins and Mrs. Kathie Schumpert! We’ll SWITCH through some good books in order to brush up on reading abilities; FLIP on the computer and have enjoyable with technology; and CHANGE a fact or two even as we practice our math! Sign up for us for important ability building in reading, mathematics, and writing using video games, technology, books and many other practical activities. $175. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Hammond School – Contractors In TrainingJuly 18-22. nine am-noon. Rising PK-5K. Contacting all inventors, builders, plus designers; come and construct some awesome creations around! We will create our own styles and make structures making use of Legos, recyclable materials, and many more interesting items. Skills required: none! Skills gained: conversation, problem solving, reasoning, establishing creativity, and teamwork. $185. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Math MunchJuly 25-29. 9 am-noon. Rising PK-5K. Math Munch is for almost all budding mathematicians! Children are engrossed in rich and multi-sensory activities using manipulatives plus hands-on activities to build their particular math skill set. Through the activities students will learn regarding counting, colors, shapes, graphing, patterns, and money. $185. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Street. hammondschool. org. Hammond College – Nature CampAug. 1-4. 9am-noon. Rising PK-5th graders. Campers attending this week should go on Nature Walks via Hammond’s South Campus plus journey off-campus to other places for some nature adventures. Outdoorsmen will identify vegetation plus wildlife and learn woodsman plus primitive technology skills whilst enjoying being outside. Placed on your shoes and get prepared to discover and explore! *This camp only meets meant for four days (Monday, August. 1 – Thursday, August. 4). $150. 803-726-6413. 854 Galway Lane. hammondschool. org. Heathwood HallThe private college Heathwood Hall typically provides a staggering number of classes plus camps in the summer. More info are available at at heathwood. org. Irmo-Chapin Recreation Commission — Critter CampJuly 19-21, 21-23, 28-30; Aug 2-4. nine am-noon. Ages 4-7. Meadows, forest, and creeks also my! Join us to get a summer of habitat pursuit. Campers will learn about the plant life and animals that contact each of the park’s main habitats home. We will sing tunes, make crafts, and discover the outdoors. Get ready to get playing at Critter Camp. $60. icrc. netIrmo-Chapin Recreation Fee – Outdoor Adventure CampJune 7-9, June 21-23. This summer 12-14. July 26-28. August. 2-4. 9 am-12pm. Age groups 8-12. Calling all youthful adventurers! Come join Saluda Shoals Park Rangers for 3 days full of exploration plus extreme outdoor fun. Through fort building to windsurfing to tubing the Saluda River, everyone will learn outside skills, make friends, and have the very best adventure of the summer. Charges include all equipment plus snacks. $60. Entertainment Commission – SSP AI & AnimationJune 6-10. nine am-3 pm. Ages 10-14. In a world where technologies has taken over several duties, students discover how to be the person who trains and programs these machines. They learn in early stages that AI is about training a computer to be able to perform duties that normally a individual would do. Through a number of activities and projects, learners are trained on device learning which is a specific kind of AI that recognizes designs in data and can make predictions based on those designs. Children will design video games and animations and program code their own virtual machines to understand various tasks. Bring treat and lunch daily. Saluda Shoals Park. $255. icrc. net. Irmo-Chapin Recreation Commission payment – Minecraft Game DesignJuly 11-15. 9 am-3 evening. Ages 6-10. Calling just about all Minecraft Gamers! Don’t simply play vanilla Minecraft! Generate your own Mods and allow it to be your own unique game. Mothers and fathers, this is a workshop that requires your child’s interest in video gaming to something using computer programming. Provide snack and lunch every day. $255. Saluda Shoals Recreation area. icrc. netIrmo-Chapin Recreation Percentage – RoboticsJune 13-17. August. 1-5. 9 am-3 evening. Ages 6-10. Students learn the basics of computer programming plus apply it to design robots to accomplish various challenges. They will style, build, and program Lego(R) WeDo robots. Creations consist of simple rovers and mechanised contraptions. The program specifically designed meant for young students, bundles developing, building, problem-solving, computer programming, vital thinking, collaboration, and conversation into one exciting program. Provide snack and lunch every day. $255. Saluda Shoals Recreation area. icrc. net. Irmo-Chapin Entertainment Commission – Midlands Video gaming Academy CampAges 8-12; 06 20-24, 10 am-3 evening. Ages 13-17; July 18-22, 10 am-3 pm. 7 Oaks Park. $150. Carolina State Museum — Junior RoboticsJune 13-17 or even July 7-29. Ages 6-8. 8: 30 am-3 evening. (Extended Day camp till 5: 30 available for extra fee). Our younger automatic robot enthusiasts will have a blast with this particular camp dedicated to exploring eight different robots and how to system them. This week-long preliminary robotics course explores the between robots and devices, how we interact with them within our daily environment, and how we are able to communicate with them with pictures plus actions through coding! You can find options for non-reading students on this class. Robots include: littleBits, Ozobot Evo, cubelets, Splash, Dot, LEGO WeDo second . 0, Bloxels, and Sphero Bolts. $225/ $180 designed for members. Visit scmuseum. org or contact camps@scmuseum. org for more information. South Carolina State Art gallery – Can You Dig This? June 20-24 or August. 1-5. Ages 6-8. almost eight: 30 am-3 pm. (Extended Day camp until five: 30 available for additional fee). It’s a big world available with lots to explore over and below the surface! This particular camp introduces young researchers to the world of natural history. Associated with SCSM education staff plus curators, campers will get hands-on with bugs, shells, parrot eggs, rocks and nutrients (to name a few). We can dig it — can you? $225/ $180 with regard to members. Visitscmuseum. org or even contact camps@scmuseum. org for more info. South Carolina State Museum : Think and TinkJune 27-July 1 or Aug. 8-12. Ages 6-8. 8: thirty am-3 pm. (Extended Day time camp until 5: thirty available for additional fee). This particular camp is all about tinkering plus creating! Campers will be motivated to think differently as SCSM education staff pose various design challenges using items ranging from the mundane towards the super weird. Your rv is sure to get creative plus hands-on as they create their very own spin art machine from the beginning, design a doodling automatic robot, and more! $225/ $180 intended for members. Visit scmuseum. org or contact camps@scmuseum. org for more information. South Carolina State Art gallery – Shoot for the StarsJuly 11-15 or Aug. 15-19. Ages 6-8. 8: 30-3 pm. (Extended Day camping until 5: 30 readily available for additional fee) Twinkle, spark little star, let’s visit space and let’s move far! Have you ever wondered exactly what it’s like to visit an additional planet? Campers this week should go on a one-of-of-a-kind mission to a different star system as they build space helmets, use rovers to search for possible life, plus build a simple small telescope. You never know what you might find or even who (or what) you may meet! $225/ $180 to get members. Visit scmuseum. org or contact camps@scmuseum. org for more information. South Carolina State Art gallery – Astro AdventuresJune 6-10 or July 18-22. Age groups 9-12. 8: 30 am-3 pm. (Extended Day camping until 5: 30 readily available for additional fee) From comets to constellations, adventures are readily available for campers in this week-long exploration of all things space! Jr astronomers will build a comet to see what happens when one particular impacts the Earth, create a THREE DIMENSIONAL model of the constellations, plus split light to understand just how information about stars encoded in just a rainbow of colors. $225/ $180 for members. Visit scmuseum. org or contact camps@scmuseum. org for more information. South Carolina Condition Museum – Advanced RoboticsJune 20-24 or Aug. 1-5. Ages 9-12. 8: thirty am-3 pm. (Extended Time camp until 5: thirty available for additional fee) Are you experiencing a mega fan of things robotic and digital? Then this camp is perfect for them! Students will learn tips on how to program and code ten different robots for all types of tasks. Entry level robots consist of block and picture code with Dash and Us dot while advanced students may use Cue, Sphero, and LEGO Mindstorms to experiment with more advanced code languages. We’ll start the particular week with core essentials and build our method up to each camper’s comfortability level. $225/ $180 designed for members. Visit scmuseum. org or contact camps@scmuseum. org for more information. South Carolina State Art gallery – CSI: Museum MysteryJune 27-July 1 or August. 8-12. Ages 9-12. 6: 30 am-3 pm. (Extended Day camp until five: 30 available for additional fee). Glass shatters. Alarm alarms sound. A shadow slinks into the night. Police hurry to the scene to discover a damaged exhibit–a priceless artifact continues to be stolen! The evidence suggests that somebody in the museum is the culprit–but who? We’re looking for the very best and brightest crime picture investigators in the state to assist us find out. We’ll require your help to collect finger prints, analyze chemicals, type bloodstream, and sequence DNA in order to crack the case. Do you have what must be done to solve this museum secret before the trail goes cool? $225/ $180 for people. Visit scmuseum. org or even contact camps@scmuseum. org to find out more. South Carolina State Museum — I Dig SC! Come july 1st 11-15 or Aug. 15-19. Ages 9-12. 8: thirty am-3 pm. (Extended Day time camp until 5: thirty available for additional fee). Jump into the behind-the-scenes world from the South Carolina State Museum even as we unearth South Carolina’s wealthy natural and cultural curiosities. In this hands-on camp, travelers will mine SC’s previous to create casts, navigate get sites, and even learn about weaponry and tools uncovered throughout South Carolina. We dig SOUTH CAROLINA – do you? $225/ $180 for members. Visit scmuseum. org or contact camps@scmuseum. org for more information. Space Get away – Astronaut Camp plus Astronaut AcademyAstronaut Camp: This summer 11-15, 9 am-5 evening. Rising 3rd-5th graders. 7 days long astronaut science, technologies, engineering, arts and math camp. Astronaut Academy: This summer 18-22. 9 am — 5 pm. Rising 6-9th graders. Explore space, technology, aviation and coding. Foods and supplies included. Area Camp is led simply by Janet Ivey, creator associated with PBS’s Janet’s Planet. $250. 803-276-6264. newberryoperahouse. com.

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