15-year-old Texas girl is the number one ranked African American Junior Golfer

15 November 2023

At 15 years old, Shyla Brown is the number one ranked African American Junior Golfer.

DALLAS — The Southwest Airlines Showcase at Cedar Crest begins Nov. 13-15. The golf tournament brings the nation’s top amateur golfers to compete. One of the youngest competitors lives in McKinney and practices at Stonebridge Ranch’s Dye Golf Course

Control, training and persistence make up discipline. “You always have to stay consistent especially in the game of golf,” said Shyla Brown, a high-level junior golfer.

Brown is the number one ranked African American Junior Golfer at just 15 years old. 

“I was about 8 years old. Both of my parents played. You know when you’re that young, you kind of take up what your parents are doing. I found it enjoyable,” said Brown.

She has taken her game up the ranks. Brown is now one of four nationally ranked high school golfers to compete against the nation’s top amateur golfers in the Southwest Airlines Showcase at Cedar Crest, a golf tournament.

“It means a lot to me. The history behind Cedar Crest that’s been held there… Pioneers like Charles Sifford, walking in his footsteps, it means a lot to me,” said Brown. 

Sifford broke the color barrier for the PGA Tour.

Now, Brown is created footsteps of her own. She was named to the 2023 American Junior Golf All-Star Team. She is the second African American in history to receive such award. 

“To much is given, much is required,” Brown said. “The more blessings that are given to me, the more responsibilities I hold to uphold those blessings.”

Brown leans on her family, coaches and fellow golfers as inspirations to get better. 

“That really brings out the best of me when I see them succeeding. It makes me want to reach there,” said Brown.

While balancing school, marching band, practice and tournaments, Brown stays focused on the goal, which is to become a professional player. 

“I want to get through college. Go professional and not even just get on the tour. Be one of the greatest,” said Brown.

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